There are some quick ways to increase your credit score if it’s lower than you want. You could quickly add up 100 points, depending on what is supporting the low number.
Your credit scores are important for more than just that one time when you want a loan or new card.
In any field of work or study, people with lower scores have more potential for growth than those who are already succeeding at their job.
Pay Bills On Time
If you choose to avoid paying your bills on time, all of the credit-building moves in the world are not going to help. Failing to meet deadlines can stay listed for seven and a half years or more.
If you are struggling to keep up with your monthly bills, make sure that they’re paid on time. If it’s been a while since the last payment and there is no way of catching up without help from other sources like bankruptcy or borrowing money in advance because all avenues have already been exhausted then please consult an attorney before making any more payments for fear of being taken advantage off by debt collectors who want nothing but their own personal gain at your expense.
Make Frequent Payments
Don’t worry about your credit utilization score. Make micro-payments throughout the month and even if you have a low balance, it will help with that too.
The less you owe, the better your score is. If you can keep it at a minimum and pay off what’s due on time then that’ll make for an excellent credit rating with lenders when buying things big or small in the future.
Dispute Credit Report Errors
Your credit score could be lowered because of a mistake on one of your 3 reports. Fixing it can help you improve in the future, as well.
Each of the three main credit bureaus, Equifax, Experian and TransUnion is currently required to provide you with a free report. If you use Credit Repair USA Inc., they can get your reports more frequently for an affordable price so that you are able to examine them thoroughly when it comes time to apply for loans or jobs as well as checking over any errors such as overdue payments which may have been paid on-time or negative information that’s too old from appearing in these records.
Once you have found them, file a dispute to have them deleted. It’s important that this process is completed within 30 days of discovery or else the credit card company will not be able to intervene on your behalf.
Keep Credit Cards Open
The closing of a credit card can result in an even lower score. However, by using the same card periodically your overall utilization will be preserved and you’ll have less to close later on.
Mix Up Your Credit
Do your credit score make you feel like a loser? Don’t fret, because Credit Repair of Pros of Atlanta can help. With some strategic maneuvers and smart decisions, they will have boosted it in as little time as six months.